Dikisahkan bahwa tokoh dalam novel ini Raden Jasmine lewat sebuah perjodohan ini pun meminta Azzam untuk mundur, Bukan karena tidak suka, melainkan Jasmine si Pemalas ini merasa tidak pantas bersanding dengan Azzam yang selalu membawa keteduhan di tingkah laku dan tutur katanya. Jasmine terus menghindar, tetapi Azzam dengan kelembutan, selalu membuat jasmine meleleh, semakin menjauh Azzam justr…
I am a woman of no language. I was fed the words my mother ate. And then I was told these sentences were not adequate. I was taught to speak other than my mother’s tongue. That my mother’s words only matter to use when I was young. Through the course of four chapters, First Drop of Red speaks about history and identity, existence and survival, love and lust, as well as faith and doubts. It …
It’s summer and nothing much is happening in Rathmoye. So it doesn’t go unnoticed when a dark-haired stranger appears on his bicycle and begins photographing the mourners at Mrs. Connulty’s funeral. Florian Kilderry couldn’t know that the Connultys are said to own half the town: he has only come to Rathmoye to photograph the scorched remains of its burnt-out cinema.
Robinson Crusoe could never have guessed what a sailor's life held in store for him. Find out how he faces pirates, slavery, and shipwreck, and survives twenty-eight years on a desert island. Also, join Jim Hawkins as he embarks on the adventure of a lifetime to the treacherous Treasure Island-a voyage filled with swashbuckling pirates, dastardly schemes, and unforgettable characters such as Lo…
Peter Pan dalam dongeng tersebut, menghabiskan masa kanak-kanaknya yang “abadi” dengan mengembara , berkeliling di pulau kecil bernama pulau Neverland. Peter Pan dalam dongeng itu, berperan sebagai pemimpin dari satu kumpulan anak-anak yang menamakan dirinya “The Lost Boys”. Dalam pengembaraannya itu Peter Pan berinteraksi dengan Peri, Orang Indian, Ikan Duyung dan Bajak Laut.