The first book from "Science is Fun" series that I made with my friends. One of them is Karina Cahyadi. See her great portfolio here: This is like the other pictorial book. Had a story and illustration for children but it also contains a science fun fact all about Aquarium. Let me introduce you! A little boy named Nikko! One day he had a trip on his uncle Aquarium …
Maura mengucek mata. Tempat tidur ini dibawa dari apartemen lama dan sudah tidak baru. Tapi pasti belum reyot sampai berbunyi tiap kali ia bergerak. Maura mulai menegakkan badan untuk memeriksa kerangka tempat tidur, lalu terkesima. Di ujung tempat tidur duduk seorang perempuan berambut panjang, memunggungi Maura..